Con Tho

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Where Edible Substance Meets Artistic Creativity 

Capturing food in a photographic snapshot relies on none other than the creativity and visual appeal of the food itself. Of course, the appearance is one thing, so to be able to merge together taste as well as visual appeal, then you will certainly jump to the forefront of all food bloggers feed. 

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Con Tho, located near the old Tempelhof airport in the young populated suburb of Kreuzkolln (the boarder of Kreuzberg and Neukolln). The entrance and overall design invites diners into a traditional Vietnamese oasis where bamboo, lanterns and vases of colourful dried flowers lay waiting. This was only the beginning.

Arriving with friends and big appetites, the sequential dishes highlighted not only head chef, Huy Thong, and his team’s ability to provide continuously unique flavours but an extraordinary creative palate and dish design so you were always delivered a new surprise in every mouthful. 

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With a menu that changes seasonally, and more specifically from what is available from around Berlin, there is now no need to settle for either picture perfect OR a tasteful masterpiece when Con Tho offers both in a relaxed Vietnamese atmosphere and so much more. 

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Cecile Vadas