Dalgona Chaga Coffee


Coffee me up baby. If you’re not a coffee love, I am surprised you haven’t become addicted during the lock-downs. It’s the perfect morning wake up, mid-morning pick-me-up, afternoon snack and even when added to a cocktail, it becomes a naughty nightcap.

You got the black coffee down packed, I’m assuming. So let’s get into those coffee turned snacks - the perfect 2in1 with an excuse to keep from the kiddies. I’m talking about the Dalgona coffee, which became an overnight phenomenon at the beginning of the Corona world wide lock-downs (March-ish 2020). A fine balance of tart coffee with whipped milk turned cream look-a-like. But let’s take things one step further (because, why not…) and create a delicious and healthy Dalogona coffee with the help of Chaga liquid. Curious?

Chaga is a mushroom that is found the the depths of tropical forests and holds enormous natural health benefits -

Chaga mushroom is a nutrient dense super food that hosts a range of health benefits for the human body. It not only is full of;

  • Zinc

  • B-complex vitamins

  • Vitamin D

  • Fiber

  • Calcium

  • Magnesium

  • Iron

  • Copper

  • Amino acids

  • Potassium

  • Selenium

  • Cesium

  • Rubidium

  • Manganese

A few drops of Chaga concentrate or only 1/4 cup of chaga liquid holds the power to lower cholesterol, blood sugar and and blood pressure as well as being able to fight inflammation, supports the immune system by regulating the production of cytokines (important for the communication between cells) and has even shown the ability to slow the growth of some cancer cells - source.


The flavour is neutral so adding it into coffee will not change the taste at all (don’t be alarmed by the darkness of it’s liquid). Actually the flavour combination of chaga with coffee or chocolate is like peanut butter and jelly - match made in heaven.

If you are feeling real naughty try blending coffee liquor, Kalhua or a milk based liquor like Bailey’s into the foam to really get those lock-down vibes going. I would advise not to drink these at midnight as you wouldn’t with an espresso martini, because they will keep you up and making sleep a near impossible occurrence.

You maybe interested in these other Chaga recipes; Strawberry, Bailey’s and Chaga Life Popsicles, Chaga Lasagne Soup, Sour Cream Bundt Cake with Chaga Butter Glaze, Crispy Cauliflower Wings with Garlic Chaga Dipping Sauce, Chaga Chutney Toasty.

That’s all from me. Enjoy Lovelies



Chaga Dalgona Coffee


3 tbsp instant coffee

3 tbsp white caster sugar

2 tbsp hot water

1/2 cup Chaga Life

500 ml oat milk

Ice cubes

Chocolate powder or ground coffee to serve (optional)


In a bowl of an electric mixer, fit with the whisk attachment, combine the instant coffee and sugar together then add the hot water and chaga liquid. Whisk on medium/high until light and fluffy - it should be able to form a stiff peak when the whisk is removed.

In clean jars or long glasses, place about 4-5 small ice cubes in each and top with milk (should be 3/4 of the way up). Spoon about 1/2 cup of the whipped Chaga coffee on the top then sprinkle chocolate powder or ground coffee over the top for that little extra something. Sink a straw in and enjoy.

Cecile Vadas