Agua de Jamaica (Hibiscus Iced Tea)


Hey everyone! I’m back again with a fun, fresh and simple drink that expresses nothing less that those perfect summer vibes. This Mexican classic is made from a natural element, that can be grown in your backyard, and offers a cooling and rejuvenating non-alcoholic drink for anytime of day. Take a peek, i’m sure you’ll step on the gas for a glass (or bottle) of your very own.

The Hibiscus flower is best known from its use in the Mexican culture. This gives insight to its other name, the Jamaica flower, which seeps this beautiful deep and rich red colour which because sticking to all when infused into boiling water. This infusion is normally cooled and served as refreshing flavoured water perfect for the rather spicy and bold flavours found in Mexican food. Although this maybe the most popular way of using and then serving the Jamaica flower in the Mexican culture, they also do form a thick, gravy like sauce to pour over meats for a sweetness similar to that of cranberry sauce. They have also began to infuse the flower flavour and colour into some tequilas for a fresh, vibrate splash.


Although the Hibiscus flower is not native to Mexico, it has become deeply rooted in their cuisine since arriving in the US during Colonial times. It’s origins have been tracked to African, Indian decent. The Mexican love for the Jamaica flower stems simply for their accessibility to it being readily available and cheap as it grows best in humid climates. They also use the flower for its vast benefits on the human body.

Health benefits of consuming the Hibiscus flower

  • treatment for UTI (urine retract infection)

  • lowers blood pressure

  • lowers blood sugar levels and fat levels

  • boost liver health

  • anti-represent

  • aids digestion

  • can be effective for weight loss

  • high in Vitamin C

  • high in minerals (especially flavonoids) and antioxidants

  • can be effective for menstrual cramps

  • prevents hypertension

  • can be useful for constipation

With all these positive aspects in mind, the Jamaica flower is known to have negative effects on pregnant women. Please keep this in mind and seek advise from your health care professional.

Anyway, here it is. Enjoy this on repeat over summer and all you have to do is pour it over ice and you got yourself (and I guess anyone else around you… although it maybe hard to share) a delicious and homemade drink.


Agua de Jamaica (Hibiscus Iced Tea)


  • 1/2 cup dried hibiscus leaves

  • 1L + 1/2 cup water

  • 1/2 cup white sugar

  • 1 lemon, juiced and whole lemon casing


In a large bowl, place the hibiscus flowers along the one litre of boiling water. Mix well and set aside. 

In a medium sauce pan, heat the 1/2 cup water and sugar on high heat until boiling. Reduce the heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice, mixing well to incorperate. 

Pour the syrup into the hibiscus water along with the hull of the lemon that was juiced. Mix well and leave to cool. Pour in a glass bottle and refrigerate.

To serve, place ice into a glass and pour the Agua de Jamaica near to the top. Place a thin slice of lemon around and on the brim. Enjoy. 

Cecile Vadas