Chocolate Croissant Pudding

Here we go my friends. I am not a dessert expert but this WILL blow your socks off. You may even keep all the left overs for yourself for tomorrow (it does keep in the fridge very well, to be reheated at a later date), because it is that irresistible.

To put it into perspective, to show I am not just tooting my own horn but really know this recipe is a keeper and a pleaser, my partner was offered this after his dinner. He likes dessert, but like me, we are more focused on the savoury things in life than the sweet (maybe it is because we are just too sweet ourselves haha). He decided to give this a shot and after not even coming up for a breathe, he labelled this as “your best made recipe yet…” Can we just take a second.


That’s my best recipe yet in the hundreds that I have developed and it even over rides my savoury ones that we both prefer. Ha! So now you understand why I have full conviction when I say this is a recipe that you won’t want to miss.

Get it hot. Get it chocolatey. Get it cozy and comforting as we head into those extra layered months. And best of all, use up all those extra croissants laying around (and if you don’t have croissants lying around 1. who are you! and 2. just go grab some croissants from the store and pretend you do).

Not wanting the chocolate? I got cha! Substitute the chocolate chunks for extra cinnamon and nutmeg plus add a dusting of cinnamon on the top for a cinnamon sugar donut style pudding. You can also add a mashed banana into the batter, add some chopped strawberries on top or even dice up some floury apples (not so good to eat anymore) and bake on top for a little fruiter option.

Anyway, hope you get all the enjoyment out of this recipe as much as I did. If you want to make someones day, try offering to you partner, parent or friend as a surprise and watch their mood lift. Magic.

Have you made this recipe? Take a snap and tag me on Insta - @cecilevadas.

Chocolate Croissant Pudding

Serves 4


  • 6 day-old croissants

  • 3 tbsp butter

  • 1/2 cup caster sugar

  • 1 tsp vanilla paste

  • 2 cups milk

  • 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/ tsp ground nutmeg

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/4 cup milk chocolate chips

  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate, roughly chopped

  • 2 tbsp Brown sugar


Melt butter in a medium pot over medium heat. Brush 2 medium oven proof dish (cast iron is great here) with the melted butter.

Whisk in the caster sugar until dissolved and then add in the milk, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and eggs. 

Roughly tear up the croissants and divide them evenly between the two dishes. Pour oven the egg/butter/milk mixture, again evenly between the two dishes. Press the croissants down into the liquid to better absorb. Sprinkle with both the chocolate pieces. Leave too soak for minimum 15 minutes. 

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 190℃. Sprinkle with the brown sugar over the top once the 15 minutes is up. Bake for 10-15 or until golden brown. Eat right away when warm and comforting. 

Cecile Vadas